Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Court Calendar

When I select an appointed time, it is I who judge with equity. (Psalm 75:2)

In our time and in our culture, knowing the clerk in a courtroom can be advantageous to the litigating attorney. If the lawyer knows the character of the judge and learns to manipulate the court calendar, favor might be found if they try their case on a certain day before a judge that they deem favorable to them. Knowing the day their favorite judge will sit on the bench can affect the outcome of the trial. At least that's the strategy. But the psalmist says it is God who appoints the time to render judgment...He needs no clerk in His court. And when it is the right time to render judgment, God's judgment will be equitable. In our human court system, seldom are there any real winners, even if one side wins the case. The toll is great and often both parties don't think everything is totally fair. But in God's court, justice is equitable. God wins. And He is just. Sin has been judged according to God's standard of justice in light of His interpretation. And it's the only opinion that matters. The psalmist says that the wicked will be judged by the LORD and they must drink the cup of His judgment completely. And the cup is in the hand of the LORD. He is attentive to it and administers it...all in His timing. God controls the calendar of His court. And there will be no postponements or delays when it is time to render justice.

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