Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)
I vaguely remember my granddaddy’s mules. The younger one was stubborn and the older one was pretty cooperative. The younger was headstrong and the older one was docile. They were paired together for a reason. The young one had much to learn. The older one was the best teacher. And their best work was done when they were yoked together, learning to work as a team.
Ever felt like you’re moving in circles, getting nothing done? Do you ever feel as though you are the only one doing any work? It was the same way with one of those mules. The younger one, always eager and wanting to go his own way, often found himself pulling the plow while the older one stopped. The older mule’s purpose was to temper the zeal of the younger one. The Bible speaks of people having zeal without knowledge. Enthusiasm without wisdom is a way I would describe it. Often the Christian life is like that. God wants us to learn to work in partnership with Him. Many times we move off into a direction of ministry without Christ going with us. Sometimes He stops to slow us down. Ministry can be very hard work when we work alone. It’s like pulling a plow with no one else helping. That’s not God’s idea.
When we realize that we are not responsible to determine the direction of ministry or the speed that we move, it can be a liberating thing. And it glorifies God when we follow His leadership. God’s work is teamwork.
I. WORKING ALONE RESULTS IN WEARINESS. Sometimes we work alone because we think no one can do the work like us. Sometimes we work alone because we don’t want to give up our way of doing things or set aside our agendas. We will find that spiritual work is tiring work when we work alone. Spiritual work was not designed to be a solo act. We were created to work in partnership. When our work only brings a burden of weariness, we are doing too much alone.
II. WE CAN RECEIVE REST WHEN WE MEET JESUS. Sometimes we are energized when we work. We love the work so much that it is refreshing. God designed an environment like that. Resting while working is only something God can give us. Finding joy in our work is energizing. There is joy when you work with God.
III. WHEN WE WORK WITH JESUS, WE FIND REST. When we join Him, we work when He works and only when He works. Paired up with Jesus is a learning experience. Like an inexperienced partner, we learn when we work closely with Him.
We must follow His lead.
IV. WE CAN LEARN THAT GOD’S WORK IS NOT STRESSFUL. Gentleness and humility make for a good work environment. When we are partners with Jesus in His work, it is a restful, pleasant experience in Him, even when the forces of hell are aligned against us.
Doing teamwork is an important thing. Being a team with God is one of the most important things you can do. We have to listen to do teamwork, and we also have to talk to our partner. Talking and listening to God is something we need to do. I will do my best to work with God!
I needed this. As I reflect on the reading, it also hits me that working alone is not only tiring, it can be very detrimental to ourselves and to the Kingdom of God. I have got to really stay focused on Jesus, stay rooted in the Word and ask Jesus to show me what to do WITH Him to glorify His Kingdom.
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