Friday, October 12, 2012


For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and He watches all his paths. His own iniquities will capture the wicked, and he will be held with the cords of his sin. (Proverbs 5:21-22)

The Lord sees us when we travel the right road, walking with Him. He also sees when we walk the wrong way, the path of the wicked. The traps that are laid on the path of the wicked are often the traps of the traveler’s own making and sin’s design. These traps are designed to reveal the truth, that we are not masters of our destiny. Sin is our master when we walk the path of the wicked. And when we are traveling the righteous path, the Lord is our master and the journey is His design. This path is designed for a glorious destiny with God. This is why He watches the paths of a man. He sees us when we are pursuing Him and He sees us when we are pursuing sin. His eye is on the one that has grown weary of this sinful path and desires a different direction. His eye is on the heart of the repentant prodigal who realizes the goodness of His father’s place and determines to change direction. As long as we travel the wicked path of sin, we will be bound to it, eventually dying there. When we don't watch the path we are walking, we can be assured that God has His eye upon it. Somebody's watching you!

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