A king who sits on the throne of justice disperses all evil with his eyes. (Proverbs 20:8)
The Look…I know you know what I’m talking about. My mother had the look…something she did with her eyes when she saw something in me that needed correction. It’s been said that the eyes are the window into the soul. Some people can communicate with their eyes without saying a word. The writer of this proverb has a king in mind. Someone in authority because he sits on a throne…a place of authority. You can have wicked or godly authority depending upon what kind of judgments are dispensed. This king sits on a throne of justice. So we can say this person is someone that renders just decisions based upon his ability to sift through the facts of the case. The word disperses in the verse actually means sifts. So this king can sift through evil with his eyes. He can discern the lies told by what he sees. He has the look and knows how and when to use it. Consider the One that revealed Himself to the Apostle John…His eyes were like a flame of fire…(Revelation 1:14). Nothing before the eyes of the Lord can be hidden. He sifts through evil…He has the look…and He knows what He sees. What does the Lord see in me today? As He sits on His throne of justice, does he see me as a man of justice? Does He see me as a man in authority able to tell the difference between good and evil, sifting through what I see? I need to be a wise leader. So do you. I need discernment to be able to sift through what I see to know how to be godly in my life. For one day, we will stand before the gaze of the One whose eyes are like a flame of fire. He will know what He sees…sometimes that causes me to tremble. Then I remember…He will be looking to see His image…He will sift through me to see Himself. Christ in me...the hope of glory. Hallelujah, what a Savior!
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