Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bird Watching

The bird feeder in the yard gives me occasion to observe the many kinds of birds in our area. With the help of a quick guide reference book, I can identify them, read about their habits and habitats, identify whether they are male and female, (something not so easy to do in humans, by the way), and basically add to my knowledge of life on this planet. In perusing through this guide of North American bird species, someone has taken a lot of time to be able to give me information about birds. The least I can do is to study the material. I may find some benefit from bird watching. Have you ever seen a rooster strut? I have heard it said that the reason a rooster struts is because he thinks the sun shows up every day just to hear him crow. Have you ever known people like this? These are the ones who are convinced that the world orbits around them, believing they are the center of our solar system, or the universe for that matter! You can learn a lot by bird watching.
Have you ever heard the birds sing just before daybreak? Why are they singing in the dark and what are they singing about? Maybe they are singing about the glory of God, putting proper perspective on the rooster crowing, the creature in contrast singing about the greatness of the Creator, testifying to His mercies, which are fresh and new every morning. Maybe they sing while anticipating the day, because they are believing in the promise that Light has come into a dark world, remembering that the darkness cannot overcome the Light. Why do people use the words "bird brain" to insult others in claiming they have limited intelligence? The birds that sing in the dark seem to know more than many humans. Sometimes humans despair and become quite anxious about their lives, stressed out and fretting about what they should eat and wear, and fear for their future in general.
A wise Person said once that we could learn a lot from bird watching. He said "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?" The advantage to having a Heavenly Father adds a new dimension to bird watching. Why is it that we can believe that God feeds the birds and will not feed us? Could it be that we believe that God is an adequate provider for birds but not enough for us? What is it that we believe we need that is beyond His ability to provide? When we think that our Heavenly Father needs our help, we have become like the strutting rooster who may think this world has been created to serve us. All of creation has been created to glorify God, including mankind. Look up and see the birds, knowing that we have a Father in Heaven...if we are indeed His children. God looks after His people. Remember in the dark what you knew in the day. And sing to our Father...after all, this is His world.

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