Friday, February 11, 2011

Blessed Eyes and Blessed Ears

But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your eyes, because they hear. (Matthew 13:16)

You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear!
I wish I had even a small sum of money for every time I've heard that expression...or pretended I didn't. I'm probably not alone in this observation. Somehow I think it is a common thing to hear what we want to hear and see what we won't to see, especially in a family context. As I reflect on this I wonder why it is that we see this manifested in our closest relationships. Could it be that even though we are supposed to be closer to our family members, especially husbands and wives, we often take one another for granted. If you've ever been on the receiving end of being ignored or neglected you know how insignificant that can make one seem. Maybe it's because we are so comfortable with one another and forget what it was like when the relationship was fresh. The new baby's attraction begins to fade a little when the baby begins to demand a new level of sacrifice, especially in the middle of the night. And there are many things that tip off the newlyweds that the honeymoon is indeed over. Jesus is teaching in this portion of Matthew's Gospel in parables. The disciples wonder why he does this. Jesus explains that He speaks to them this way because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. The multitudes just didn't "get it." What was the problem? They saw what they wanted to see and heard what they wanted to hear.
Disciples of Jesus were different...or at least they are supposed to be. They had been granted a great privilege. They were given more than just the ability to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. They were granted the desire to know. I think this is still the key. If I have begun to take my wife for granted, to tune her out or turn a blind eye toward her, it is because my desire to please her or serve her has been diminished. We can relate to God in much the same way.
The nation of Israel were so familiar with God's word that it soon lost its appeal and relevance. All of their history had proved they often turned away from the LORD. But their teachers, scribes, and lawyers were so familiar with what they thought the word of God said that they were oblivious to the Word of God when He stood before them. They saw what they wanted to see...not God Incarnate...but an itinerant Galilean. They heard what they wanted to hear...not the wisdom of God but the words of a shyster. Do we see God in the Word of God or are His words just words? Do we hear Him speak to us or do our best to ignore Him?
Understanding the word of God is the thing the multitudes lacked. And this understanding is what benefits the disciple in learning to bear godly fruit. To understand the word of God is a gift that is granted. It begins with surrendering our lives to its authority. Getting under it...taking our place in His kingdom.
Understanding God's word begins when we begin to stand under God's word.We are blessed because we can hear and blessed because we can see.
Be blessed in God's Word today.

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