Friday, January 20, 2012

Preaching On Purpose

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the Word, be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. (2 Timothy 4:1-2)
Being “called to preach” is a phrase people in church have understood as occasions when someone surrenders their life to the ministry. It usually signified someone becoming a pastor or evangelist. But aren’t we all “called to preach”?
If you have ever been led by God to share His word with someone who has rejected your intrusion, you know how painful that can be. Sometimes God’s word will divide families and friends and that can be very uncomfortable. We don’t want to feel responsible for that.
When we come into the knowledge that God gives us a word to share to accomplish His purpose, that knowledge can set us free. Now we all want to be thought highly of by others. But when our need to be approved by others is greater than the desire to serve and please God, we should do a heart check. When we seek to be obedient to God by sharing His word, God is glorified.
I. WE ARE CHARGED TO PREACH THE WORD INTENTIONALLY, NOT ACCIDENTALLY. The word should be studied carefully so we will be ready with a ready word. God never does anything aimlessly. He has purpose in his plan. His word is never wasted. It goes out and does not return without accomplishing its purpose.
II. WE ARE CHARGED TO PREACH INSTANTLY, NOT OCCASIONALLY. The word is to be ready to be delivered at a moment's notice. Already described as a double-edged sword, the word should be like a loaded gun. If we have to wait to load our weapon before it is discharged, the opportune moment may pass.
III. WE ARE CHARGED TO PREACH THE WORD REGARDLESS OF WHETHER IT IS POLITICALLY CORRECT. In season or out is a reference to how socially fashionable it is to preach the word. Prophets through the ages have preached and no one cared but God. God doesn't care about how people receive His word. He doesn't need their approval. But He does care about their lives. And He does command us to preach an unpopular word at times. Confrontation of a holy God’s word with the condition of sinful man is always uncomfortable, but timely.
IV. WE ARE CHARGED TO PREACH THE WORD TO ACHIEVE GOD’S PURPOSES, NOT OURS. To correct and encourage is the purpose of preaching God's word. Although the word cannot correct unless applied, or will not encourage if not believed, that is not our responsibility. We are only charged to preach. Transformation occurs when people are responsive to the teaching of the Holy Spirit. We only preach out of a desire to serve God, not attract a following, or change men into our image. The results of preaching the word are not up to us. God is calling men to holiness through the preaching of His word. The results are up to God.

1 comment:

Ellie said...

When visiting a church recently I heard this quote the preacher said to live by: "Obey God and let Him deal with the consequences." This came to mind when reading your blog....another good quote would be: preach God's word to people and let Him deal with their hearts.