Thursday, August 30, 2012

Planning The Work of Working His Plan

Many plans are in a man's heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand. (Proverbs 19:21)

Plan your work and work your plan. I heard this a few years ago and it stuck.  Some days this works out for me and some days…not so much. Some days I over plan. I’m too optimistic about too many things, not the least being the energy available for me to work the plan! Some days other people seem intent to getting me involved in working their plan and pursuing their agendas. Many days I have interruptions that were unforeseen and unplanned.  They distract me when the urgent overtakes the important. But mostly it is the unknown. Things that come up that I had no way to foresee because I could not see the future. This is where the truth of this proverb comes into my everyday world. God really does order my day. And some of these interruptions that break into my schedule comes from Him. I wish I could say I anticipate these and turn my attention to them immediately. But often, I don’t see these divine interventions and God ordained appointments for what they are. They are parts of the many pieces of the working out of His purpose. God is the ultimate multitasker! He does all things and many things well. Many of my plans may be fruitful. Many will be frustrated. But the counsel of the Lord will stand. When I hear what God wants to do…and how His plan fits into that in what I do, then life seems to get easier. He leads…I follow…pretty good plan when I hear God’s plan...and my plan becomes working out His plan. I was created to serve His purpose. How about you?  Why not lay down your planner for a while and seek counsel with the Planner. His Word works out His plan.

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