Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What Goes Up...

When the wicked increase, transgression increases; but the righteous will see their fall. (Prov 29:16)
Increase in the wicked does not necessarily mean in numbers…it can mean in strength. The wicked man will become more lawless…not less lawless. The transgressions will not only be more numerous in scope but more lawless in their wickedness. A wicked man will not become less wicked. He will become more wicked. The righteous man by contrast will become more righteous. We are not operating in a spiritually neutral zone. We are either becoming more like God or less like Him. The reason the righteous will see the fall of the wicked is that God is not opposed by an equal or superior force. Good will prevail because God will prevail. Therefore when the wicked fall, God is at work restoring righteousness. And righteousness will be restored in men and in the world. This is our hope. Whatever goes up…in opposition to God’s authority, whatever is raised up in rebellion, will surely come down. And great will be its fall. Don’t get damaged in its demolition.

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