Friday, September 28, 2012

Hiding And Seeking

It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. (Prov 25:2)

When we’re faced with decisions of whether the direction before us is truly the Lord’s direction, we often assume that every direction before us is the Lord’s path. If this is a true assumption, then we really would have no decisions to make when traveling on this journey. Whatever the direction, whatever the action, whatever the thought, then it must be from God, right? We know this can be a very wrong assumption and also the lazy man’s way of following God. This belief says that every open door must be entered and everything presented must be received. It would be like the child making a choice to do something they really want to do and when they realize it was the wrong choice…to blame the parent for their foolish action. The child would say to the parent, “You should have stopped me….how was I to know it was wrong? This is how humanity tends to shift the blame from us to God for the lack of making a responsible choice. Sometimes the Lord does put up roadblocks and guardrails. Sometimes we do have a clear directive about our direction. But the glory of God is to conceal a matter. The Lord’s way is often hidden so that it can be revealed. It glorifies God to be asked…Lord is this the right direction…is this the right person to marry… is this the business deal I should make…how would you have me respond…which career path is the one that pleases You? Kings…leaders…people in authority are not to assume that every decision is made by assuming that God has taken our responsible responses out of the context of wise leadership. Wise leaders seek wisdom…wise kings search out a matter.

1 comment:

Riley said...

I like this one alot. I know I don't ask God about things nearly enough. Not even enough for the small things. How should I be ready to listen and follow when a big choice comes my way? You did a great job. My goal this week is to ask God about my decisions.