Friday, September 21, 2012

Now...Is The Time To Worship

Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced over what God had prepared for the people, because the thing came about suddenly. (2 Chron 29:36)

The thing that came about suddenly was God’s response to the worship. The king and the priests and the Levites and the people had prepared to worship. We read that the Levites had prepared their hearts more than the priests had. And God honored that. He still does. God will work around a priesthood that takes worship for granted and is slow to prepare their hearts. God will raise up servants to step into worship roles. The thing that comes about suddenly is a response to preparation. To prepare my heart to worship is a priority with the Lord...and this takes time. Anytime the power of God is suddenly manifested in the company of God’s people gives us cause to look about and see who is prepared to worship and has been preparing for Him to respond. We worship Him rightly when we worship Him expecting a response from Him. For worship is our response to His activity. He moves us to worship Him. When He moves in our midst, joy is expressed. This joy has a source. We give to Him what He has imparted to us. True worship is the joy of the Lord in communion with the joy of the Lord. Worship is right recognition of what God has prepared when we have prepared to worship Him. It is a celebration of community with God. And it is a high time when we worship. In fact, it is high time we worship. the time to worship...all the time. All day. Every day.

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