Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Lord's Mouthpiece

Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy. (Proverbs 31:8-9)

These words to a king are appropriate for God’s people…a kingdom of priests. The king’s speech has power. Edicts are set in place, pardons are granted, and causes are taken up by what he says. The powerless need a voice. No one hears them because they have no power. The ones who cannot speak need someone who can speak. The ones who are afflicted need someone who helps them. The ones who are needy are supplied by someone who can provide for them. The weak ones need a strong one. The powerless need a powerful voice. The defenseless need a defender. This is the role of the godly king. This is the role of the godly leader…the one in authority who may be embattled, but empowered and enabled by God to lead. The silent ones need someone who can speak a word to encourage and plead their case before the judgment seat. Our best avenue to secure help for the helpless is to plead their case before the Most High God. Godly leaders have access to ultimate power when they pray for these little ones, or the ones the world sees as small and insignificant. God’s great heart beats for the broken hearted people we encounter. Don’t miss the opportunity to speak words that matter. Open your mouth…and pray on their behalf.

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