Thursday, October 20, 2011

Love Hurts

For those whom the Lord loves, He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives. (Hebrews 12:6)

I used to train military working dogs. A certain mindset for the dog lover in me had to be developed. We had to be disciplined to discipline. And most of the corrective training was hard to watch, much less to do. Some of us thought the type of discipline that was presented was cruel for these police dogs. But our trainers thought it was crucial. I’m not trying to legitimize or justify this type of treatment that some of the dogs received. But the discipline had a purpose and there was no denying that this corrective discipline had absolute obedience as its goal for the dog… and it seemed to work.
Some of the most painful trials can come from God Himself. When His children are disobedient, God will choose to discipline. He will send as many trials as it takes to get our attention. We often give more credit to the devil’s work than is due. It is true enough that some of our painful trials come from enemy attacks, but for a believer, it can be from the Lord Himself.
The writer of Hebrews was trying to enlighten the Jewish church that although their trials were intense, God was still in control. And even though they suffered harsh discipline, it would mold and shape God’s people. There was an ultimate goal in view.


I. GODLY DISCIPLINE IS ROOTED IN LOVE. Sometimes when I’m on the receiving end of God’s discipline, I identify with the child who told his friend after receiving a spanking, “My dad said it was because he loved me. But sometimes it's really painful to be loved so much!” There is a contrast between godly discipline and ungodly punishment. God discipline teaches. Ungodly punishment hurts. The difference is in the motive. The motive behind godly discipline is God’s love.

II. GODLY DISCIPLINE AND GODLY LOVE CANNOT BE SEPARATED. God is love and whatever He does, He does out of and through His nature of love. When God corrects His children, He demonstrates His love. He cares that we have boundaries.

III. GOD DISCIPLINES HIS OWN CHILDREN. Experiencing godly discipline is a reassuring thing - it tells us that we are His. When my children would play with other children at our house, sometimes it became necessary to correct them. I didn't spank anyone else’s children, although I may have really wanted to! I did not spank them because they were not my children, although I have sent some packing!
Do you have a word of testimony to share with others about how God’s discipline of your sinful actions resulted in an increased desire to be obedient to God’s word? God loves us enough to correct us...obdience to His word means life to us and glory to Him.

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