Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Show What We Say

But whoever has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him? Little children, let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth. (1 John 3:17-18)

Have you ever heard of a boyfriend or girlfriend become disengaged from the relationship because someone didn’t prove their love for them? One of my old girlfriends told me once that I threw the word “love” around like a basketball. I’ve not forgotten that complaint. I’m afraid that she was right. My actions did not bear out my many proclamations of my love for her. I was “kicked to the curb” as they say.
Sometimes financial difficulty strikes the Christian community and we fail to demonstrate the love of Christ. I have known of Christians who have fallen on hard times and were criticized by other Christians for not being a good steward of God’s resources. While it is true that financial hardship can come as a result of bad or irresponsible decisions, sometimes it just comes through no fault of our own. When you are made to feel as though you deserve the plight you are in, it is bad enough. When you are ignored in the midst of it, it can be excruciating.
When one believer helps another, the world sees that and takes notice. When we don’t keep count of what someone “owes” us, we are demonstrating the grace of God. We show love when we help one another.

I. WHEN WE SEE A BELIEVER IN NEED, IT IS AN OPPORTUNITY TO SHOW OUR LOVE. A key word here, often overlooked, is “brother”. These are believers we are commanded to care for, as well as pray for. This should distinguish ourselves from the world. So often we see cults, secular organizations, even gangs take care of one another better than the church does. We may be hesitant to ask for help, feeling embarrassed or even prideful. But when we become aware of the need, we have an obligation and an opportunity to show our love.
II. WHEN WE SAY WE LOVE OUR BROTHER WE MUST BE READY TO SHOW OUR BROTHER WE LOVE HIM. Actions validate words. If we say we love someone, our willingness to show it gives our words credibility. Love in action illustrates love in theory. Loving words are completed in loving deeds.
III. SAYING WITHOUT SHOWING DEMONSTRATES WE ONLY KNOW HOW TO TALK. Anyone can say they love. Not everyone shows their love. When we show what we say, Christianity enjoys credibility. Jesus said the world will know we are disciples by our demonstration of love. Are you aware of the needs of the Christians around you? God’s children are to look for opportunities to take care of the family!

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